Field of Action 2:
Shaping The Future

At an individual level, future skills are essential for professional success and social participation. At an institutional and societal level, they form the basis for an innovation-friendly environment in which the connection between technological innovation, social change, and a sustainable labour market is recognised and actively shaped.

The Mercedes-Benz Fund within the Stifterverband supports initiatives and individuals who apply future skills to address social challenges proactively. In doing so, the Fund contributes to securing Germany's position as a centre of innovation.

Deutscher Zukunftspreis

Deutscher Zukunftspreis (Photo: Bildschön)
Photo: Bildschön

The Deutscher Zukunftspreis ("German Future Award"), awarded by the Federal President, honours exceptional innovations in the fields of technology, engineering, and natural sciences, as well as software and algorithm-based innovations. This prestigious award is part of a highly competitive national selection process. By drawing public attention to the scientific and technical innovation potential within Germany, the award promotes an innovation-friendly environment and an understanding of the link between technological innovation, social change, and job creation.

Since its inception in 1997, the Deutscher Zukunftspreis has been sponsored by the Mercedes-Benz Fund together with other major partners.

Website of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis


Digital Engineering 4.0

Digital Engineering (Photo: ThisIsEngineering/Pexels)
Photo: ThisIsEngineering/Pexels

The endowed professorship for Digital Engineering 4.0 at the Technische Universität Berlin, currently held by Prof. Dr Lydia Kaiser, is part of the Einstein Center Digital Future. This professorship, running until February 2026, focuses on designing systems in the digital age. With technical systems becoming increasingly complex, interconnected, and capable of interacting autonomously with users via multimedia, new design approaches are required. In her research, Prof. Dr Kaiser's research employs systems engineering approaches, which involves interdisciplinary problem-solving processes, systematic and systemic analysis of challenges, and the development of solutions closely aligned with the needs of stakeholders.

The endowed professorship addresses the digital transformation of the industry, along with the opportunities and challenges that companies are experiencing as a result. The networking of technological systems is giving rise to new business models, which must be designed and considered from a socio-technical and interdisciplinary perspective rather than a purely technical point of view. The first step is not the development of new software, but the integration of existing solutions with potential users. The second step involves co-designing solutions, which includes adapting existing software and developing new concepts with the integration of artificial-intelligence processes.


Entrepreneurship in Technology and Digitization

Entrepreneurship in Technologie und Digitalisierung (Photo: Bradley Hook)

The endowed professorship for Entrepreneurship in Technology and Digitization at the University of Stuttgart is held by Professor Alexander Brem. The initial term spans six years (until the end of 2025), with the potential for a four-year extension following a positive evaluation (until the end of 2029).

Prof. Dr Alexander Brem heads the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research (ENI), which promotes both theoretical and practical aspects of entrepreneurship and innovation through an interdisciplinary approach that combines new technologies and scientific advancements with a sustainable mindset. The ENI is strongly embedded in the regional innovation ecosystem.

The institute's activities are centred on the incorporation of entrepreneurship in research and teaching across all faculties of the University of Stuttgart. The aim is to establish a start-up culture at the university that promotes entrepreneurial skills at all levels. The research focus of the institute is on technological innovation and entrepreneurship with a particular focus on digitization and digital transformation. Research topics include digital and science-based entrepreneurship, regional innovation ecosystems, business-model innovation, and the commercialisation of science and technology. Additionally, the institute examines gender differences in entrepreneurial endeavours.

Professor Brem's institute excels in blending theory with practice and integrating research, teaching, and knowledge transfer. This is supported by long-term collaborations with prominent regional research institutions and extensive international partnerships. The institute adheres to the "Stuttgart way," which emphasises consistent cooperation across various disciplines.